Monday, August 10, 2009

Ohio Family


About This Blog

All graphics, photographs, and text appearing on this (© Sassy home page and subsequent Web pages are protected by copyright. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission by me.

This is a Preview blog of the pictures that I take. Clients will be directed here to *Preview* pictures of their session(s). I will also post pictures of my family and friends and any other pictures that I feel compelled to share.

About Me

My photo
I am a Career Military Wife. I am the proud Mom of a 8 year old daughter (The Child), who was our first successful attempt at IVF. And she was free to boot! My second Child is Cocoa the dog. She's a mix. She's so loveable & probably the only one who minds me! My third Child (& biggest Baby) is my Husband of 14 years.

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